How it works

Proof with Privacy

XEBO’s platform is helping make ‘web3’ a reality.

XEBO’s approach is helping make ‘web3’ a reality. XEBO issues digital credentials, known as Verifiable Credentials (VCs) that can be used to categorically prove in a safe and secure way something about yourself — your age, employment and financial status, or ownership of something. Almost anything! 

XEBO also uses the same technology to provide tamper-evident proof about items or ‘things’ too, such as important documents like references, professional reports, supply chain provenance for goods, healthcare, insurance and financial information, to name a few.

Verifiable Credentials

Verifiable Credentials

XEBO creates Trust Frameworks within which we issue Verifiable Credentials (VC’s).

Think of VCs as verified proof of information related to a person’s identity or an item or thing that is then digitally stored with the holder of the VC – ready to use.

For example, XEBO can issue a VC for your driver’s licence or similar ID, which is then stored in a digital wallet on your phone. You can then use that to instantly prove aspects of your identity without having to use the physical documents themselves.

So you can instantly prove you’re over 18 - without revealing ANY sensitive information like your date of birth or age. Simply “YES” – you’re over 18.

Likewise, a VC issued related to a document or item enables a third party to receive instant and categorical proof of the contents of the document or the authenticity of the item.  This allows for instant trust in the contents and the assurance that whatever has been presented has not been tampered with in any way.

Once XEBO has verified your information and VCs are issued, the technology we use means you are able to share only what you choose to with a third party.  It’s immediate, safe, secure and can be trusted, as the process occurs within the Trust Framework XEBO creates.

When online trust is important, XEBO and Verifiable Credentials can help.

The TrustFramework Ecosystem

A Trust Framework is an ecosystem in which Verifiable Credentials are used and always involves an Issuer, Holder, and Verifier.

Issuer: Organisation that has the authority to issue Verifiable Credentials 

Holder: Someone who owns the credential and stores it in their digital wallet

Verifier: The person or organisation who authenticates the credential 

Within this Trust Framework, individuals and organisations can create and share information related to identity and items, ensuring data sharing is controlled, reliable, and private while ensuring tamper-evident authenticity.

How you keep control

With Self-Sovereign
Identity (SSI)

SSI is an approach to online identification that centres control of information around the user when proving who they are to websites, services, and apps. It removes the need for third-party providers to store personal information on central databases and gives individuals control over exactly what information they share and how.

It also enables the relying parties requiring the information to have immediate and categorical proof and trust in what they are provided.

SSI is an alternative to today’s centralised and federated identity infrastructure. XEBO’s identity framework is designed for trust, using the highest cryptographic standards and universally adopted interoperability protocols.

No more accounts, logins and passwords

Identity on the web is broken. Every site we visit requires us to create yet another login. Our choice is either one more password to remember or to hand our login over to a company that tracks our behaviour.

XEBO’s use of SSI allows individuals to identify themselves without passwords or social logins. Say goodbye to the password nightmare for good!

Using XEBO’s approach and technologies, users and organisations can establish private, secure communications, free from the reach of external threats.

Users are in control of what is shared, while organisations reduce their risk, as they no longer need to store your personal information.

Discover the future

Built on open standards and the notion of self-sovereign identity (SSI), XEBO uses technologies that are intended to put identity and online trust back in the hands of users. Our decentralised identity platform is designed for security, privacy, and inclusivity.

Decentralised networks

These networks rely on open protocols that allow you to connect privately with others, regardless of the underlying technology or provider.

High-trust  online interactions

XEBO’s approach is helping transform the way we use an ever-evolving internet that impacts more and more of our daily lives.

Our platform is centred on respecting privacy and creating trust. XEBO puts you in control of your data, ensuring you are able to engage online with trust at the forefront, so you don’t have to worry about your data falling into the wrong hands.

XEBO's 'How'

XEBO creates Trust Frameworks and issues Verifiable Credentials that allows you to share only the information you chose, while retaining complete control of your data.